Su-Mo-Tu-We-Th 11.30am-11pm / Fr-Sa 11.30am-11.30pm / HappyHr: 5pm-7pm
Su-Mo-Tu-We-Th 11.30am-11pm / Fr-Sa 11.30am-11.30pm / HappyHr: 5pm-7pm
Did you know that the Greek cuisine is one of the earliest cuisines found across the world? So, what do we really know in depth about such a cuisine? Certainly not more than Chinese, Mexican, American and French cuisines! And yet, Greek civilization is the one that enlightened the world 2,500 years ago B.C. Therefore, it would be impossible to say that those who taught democracy, theater, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, astrology and so many more sciences, would overlook such a subject as nutrition. Moreover, Greeks appreciate a chef as much as a poet of Ancient times and admire both artists equally and their work of art. Just like a poet can take words and express meaning, a chef brings together a variety of foods and creates a culinary art. Greek cuisine: healthy, delicious and unique Our menu is based on extra virgin Kalamata olive oil; krocus kozanis, a golden spice of Hellas; Greek yogurt, pure honey, natural ingredients such as oregano, rosemary and thyme that are grown on Taygetos Mountain of Kalamata; pure Chios masticha, the tear drop of the Skinos tree; Mediterranean sea salt, fragrant ground pepper, the Messinian Bay delicacy, a wild fish egg caviar and fresh fish imported from the Aegean Sea of Greece. The above-mentioned ingredients will be experienced in a variety of dishes. Poseidon arrives in South Beach and with him brings the aura of Greece—its food and entertainment. Prepare yourselves for a culinary journey to Greece through this wonderful experience and taste… Kali oreksi – Bon appetit!